Partner financially with Harry & Annaliese Slade to support their ministry.
Thank you for your generosity.

‘Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you walking on the water.” “Yes come,” Jesus said.”’
Matthew 14: 28-29 NLT

We believe faith is only ever put to the test out of the boat.
Whether it’s casting the net on the other side for a bigger catch, or speaking to a storm to tell it to be still, or stepping out on the waves in faith and walking on the water, it is when we follow Jesus out of our comfort zone and control we see the greatest miracles.

For us, this step we have taken is a step of faith. We are trusting the Lord with our lives and our future. It’s a thrill, it’s a privilege and it’s an honour to step out on the waves and trust the Lord.

Here & Now. Out of the boat and onto the waves.

Your partnership financially empowers us to be able to continue to develop new content and fund both the NextGen Podcast, NextGen Nation as a free resource and into the future all our new initiatives to bless the local church and strengthen the body of Christ around the world.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer & financially on this journey.
For more information on how, scroll down and follow the instructions.

Thank you so much, Harry.

Here’s how:


Prayer. Your prayer is powerful and would be gratefully appreciated.


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